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The Sar'dens are one of the many biological mysterious living in our galaxy. Deprived of any sensory organs but smell, they live an isolated sensory live compared to most other races. At first sight they resemble a sphere covered with hair, and according to our studies this is exactly what they are.

Their average height of one foot places them among the smallest sentient races known. Having no visual organs the Sar'den are born blind, leaving them quite helpless in the hostile environment of their homeworld. Nature however has come up with a solution for this problem and has given the Sar'dens limited psychic abilities at birth.

The Sar'den know two sexualities, a male (the 'whuzzle') and a female (the 'whizzle') and they mate as often as they can. The female Sar'den however can only give birth to children once in her life-cycle. As soon as she's ready for it the male Sar'den, that chose her as his bride, starts developing small pockets of 'seed' on the tips of his tentacles. The female Sar'den then approaches the male as close as possible without tangling their tentacles and they start bouncing up and down, using the rather elastic nature of their bodies. During this the male seed pockets burst open and it's contents are spread over the female's tentacles, thus impregnating her.

Example of an Sar'Den

After an incubation (dunno if this was the right word) period of 17 months the female Sar'den develops small lumps between her tentacles. These small blueish spheres are their offspring. As 17 months pass they develop more and more until finally they grow their own tentacles in the last month and they become aware of their surrounding world.

Often small Sar'den release their contact with the female themselves, but in some cases the 'mother' must assist them. Today this is mostly done in advanced laboratory's, but in the past female Sar'den rubbed their body's against tree's to get rid of their offspring.

The Sar'den biology has come up with an excellent scheme to make sure this happens at the young Sar'den that are still attached to the tentacles of the female Sar'den plague their mother with a terrifying itch as soon as they feel they are ready to break contact.

Another strange fact is the skin of the Sar'den. They appear to be covered with long hairs that stand upright, but these really are very thin tentacles. The Sar'den have the power to manipulate each of these tentacles , they can even stretch them to become more than 8 times their normal size. This last fact has enabled them to use their tentacles as building tools, in fact the entire Sar'den civilisation is built on tentacles.

The Sar'den have no lungs, instead they breath via miniscule chambers that lie just under the surface of their tentacle skin. They also have no real heart. Their purple blood is spread through their body through small muscular tubes that act as a heart. These tubes surround the entire inside of the Sar'den skin as they draw their oxygen from the tentacles. A Sar'den also has no digestive organs. Food is processed by sucking it through a small opening in the end of a tentacle.

After a short trip through the tentacle the food is broken down into sugars and residue's are ejected again via the breathing chambers. These sugars then feed the Sar'den. Mostly their well developed brains that lie exactly in the centre of their spherical bodies.

All adult Sar'den also have the power to change their appearance. If an adult Sar'den is troubled, his skin colour will change from blueish-purple to deep green. When it feels that it's in danger it's skin colour will turn to black, surprisingly the same colour of a sexually aroused Sar'den.

Different emotions and feelings all have their own colour, but these differ from Sar'den to Sar'den. Scientists have speculated that these colour changes reflect the personality of an adult Sar'den but nothing can be proven.


All Sar'den have the ability to use their inherent psi powers as some kind of sonar device, enabling them to 'view' their surroundings. Precise details about this are not known yet as no studies in this field have been made, but many scientists suggest that equal to a psi using his telekinetic powers to manipulate objects, the Sar'den use their telekinetic powers to view, by 'bouncing' them of objects in their surroundings.

Equal to most sea creatures that live deep beneath the surface the Sar'den can build themselves a very precise picture of their surroundings and the lifeforms in it.




The lack of visual input handicaps the Sar'den severely in outer space as they can't see computer monitors nor their output. Scientists have come up with a solution to this problem by overlaying a ships console with a biologically engineered touch screen.This screen reacts to colour and light changes in the screen and translates those to movements, thus allowing Sar'dens to 'read' the monitor with their tentacles. This has not really aided them greatly and very few ever leave their homeworld.

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi